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English and World Englishes

A common observation about the use of English around the world has lead to the claim that English has become the most widely taught, read and spoken language that the world has ever known. It has official status in 60 countries, and is highly visible in another 20 more. Within these contexts, it is used as the dominant language for books, academic journals, the media and international sports and entertainment. Given this wide spread and usage of English, it would seem inappropriate to view the language as the sole property of any one community of people, be they English, American, Australian or any other.

It is necessary to view English not as a language that is spoken by a homogeneous group of people; it is in fact spoken by a wide variety of people and as such is always being influenced by and mixed with specific cultural and social realities. Many people see this development of pluralism in the English language as leading to a variety of World Englishes that is in the constant process of developing new norms in English. While these varieties of English have much in common, they are also quite unique in their grammatical innovations and tolerances, lexicons, pronunciation, idioms and discourse.

Due to this spread of English and the consequent development of regional varieties, a question that needs to be asked by learners, teachers, administrators and policy makers is what variety of English should be taught and learnt. If there is no reason to think that the development of one variety is any stranger than the other, then what is best for learners in a specific context? Such kinds of questions seem to be at the core of English language teaching around the world.

The emergence of English varieties makes it quite clear that people can not be expected to conform to the norm of a group to which they do not belong. In addition, students should be treated as people in their own right, not as deficient native speakers. The growth of World Englishes leads to the emergence of people speaking differently from each other which is not better or worse, but just different. It needs to be understood that the new emerging English varieties carry the weight of different experiences in different surroundings.

Addressing the problem of what standard of English to teach, students, teachers and administrators should accept that students need to make the language their own, identify with it, and not let the teacher impose authority upon them in the form of an alien pattern of behaviour. All those involved in the learning process need to focus on creating a local variety of English and not on adopting Western cultural norms.

The nurture of local varieties can be achieved through the development of authentic local texts and materials which have a focus on regional cultures. Giving local people a “voice” by having the people in the materials be people who learners can identify with creates culturally appropriate varieties of English based on the regional use of English. Most importantly, there is a need to present non-native speakers as skilled users of English in textbooks and materials in order to convince students that they are successful multi-competent speakers, not failed native speakers.

Viewing non-native speaking teachers as effective and appropriate teachers is also crucial in the development of a local variety. For instance, Educated Japanese English places emphasis on interactions with Asian nations and cultures. Therefore, a local teacher or one from the region is more likely to be successful. This is due to such teachers having a greater control over the variety being taught, and the fact that they best relate to the experiences of learners. Students may prefer the fallible non-native speaking teacher who presents a more achievable model.

The spread of English as a global language has occurred because it serves the communicative and communal needs of various communities and nations around the world. Accepting this, it is then logical that the language itself will be diverse reflecting the pragmatic and cultural norms of the local variety. Therefore, there is a need to move from irrational traditionalism to dynamic pragmatism. The challenge for those involved in English Language Teaching is the recognition and development of local varieties that exist alongside international standards of intelligibility. Also, of great importance is the recognition that differences in use should not be viewed as errors or deviants from some ‘Anglo’ norm.


Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading passage? On your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1) Many countries use English because it is the easiest language to learn.
2) Industrialized Western nations are the owners of English.
3) Local cultural and social situations have an effect on the use of English.
4) World Englishes share similarities and differences.
5) All people involved in English Language Teaching have reached a consensus about what variety to teach.


Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

1) The growth in English varieties means students should be
A focused on learning native speaker’s form of English.
B conforming to one style of English.
C respected as individuals and not unsuccessful speakers of English.
D taught by native speakers.

2) People who speak World Englishes are
A better than native speakers.
B different from native speakers.
C worse than native speakers.
D similar to native speakers.

3) Course books should concentrate on
A local cultures and people.
B traditional English culture.
C the international use of English.
D developing speaking skills.

4) The development of a local variety of English in Japan needs to involve
A communication practice.
B using native English speaking teachers.
C the use of non-native English speaking teachers.
D educating Japanese people about English culture.

5) English as a world language has developed because of
A Western economic power.
B the influence of Western popular culture.
C the spread of the Internet.
D the necessity for communities and countries to communicate with each other.

6) Everyone participating in English Language Teaching needs to acknowledge
A that their variety is sub standard.
B global standards of understanding.
C the cultural norms of native English speaking countries.
D traditional teaching approaches.

7) The writer argues that
A English is the key to economic success.
B students need to focus on the traditional forms of the language.
C the number of people learning English has reached a peak.
D World Englishes should be encouraged and developed.


③ 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) B 7) D

※本記事は、2007年に週間Student Timesに掲載された記事を転載しております。現在とは問題形式が異なる場合がございますので、必ず最新情報はご自身でお調べください。

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