


「COCA」とは、「The Corpus of Contemporary American English」の略で、実際に使用された言語を蓄積したデータベースです。分野別に調べることができるため、実務翻訳者にとっては非常に役立つツールです。




If you join the course you learn the following skills:
A. Master how to do searches on words using a database.
B. Compare results against a databank of samples.
C. Check results for frequency in a particular genre.
D. Use English that is authentic and contextually correct.

So often, translators worry that their translation can be read and understood by a native speaker. They worry that their English is inappropriate for the context. Without a native speaker, it becomes difficult to be confident that your translation is natural. COCA (The Corpus of Contemporary American English) is not only useful to look up the usage of a word but it is also useful in checking for appropriateness. Using COCA, we can uncover patterns of usage in words that appear with other words, for example: Happy Birthday, keen sense etc. In addition, words tend to group together in specific "neighborhoods". Using the Corpus can assist you in understanding these specific word "zones".

Not only will you be able to check your translation against a database, you will also be able to learn about how the word is used in different contexts. Ultimately, this will deepen your understanding of English and improve the quality of your translation.

I look forward to seeing you in class.


フリーランス翻訳者、ILCメディカル翻訳上級、実務翻訳III (英訳基礎)担当講師。IT、医療・環境・製薬・科学分野に明るく、日本語・ロシア語も堪能。マサチューセッツ大学卒。


<在校生・修了生> 15,000円
<一般> 20,000円