第5回:ライティング対策2 ~グラフの描写方法~





ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト


greater than, more common than, the most prevalent など

significantly more, considerably less など

while, whereas, however など


ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート1

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート1


ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート2

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート2

1a. In the U.S.A., the greatest amount of crime committed is theft.(チャート1利用)
2a. Violence is the second most prevalent crime in the U.S.A.(チャート2利用)


ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト 円グラフ

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト 円グラフ


ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート3

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート3

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート4

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート4

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート5

ILC IELTS対策講座・ライティングテスト チャート5


3a. Full-time employment in Japan is considerably more common than casual employment.(チャート3利用)
4a. Part-time employment in Japan is almost as prevalent as casual employment.(チャート3利用)
5. Not as many people are employed in part-time positions as in casual positions.(チャート4利用)
6. Significantly more people in Japan are employed in full-time positions than in part-time positions.(チャート5利用)


丸括弧( )を使う。
適切な動詞と共に関係詞節を使う。:which + be, account for, make up など

この2つを上に挙げた例文 1a. 2a. 3a. 4a. に適用すると報告書の情報量が増します。

1b. In the U.S.A., the greatest amount of crime committed is theft (92 cases per 10,000 people).
2b. Violence, which accounts for 71 cases, is the second most prevalent crime in the U.S.A.
3b. Full-time employment in Japan is considerably more common than casual employment (56% and 24% respectively).
4b. Part-time employment in Japan, which makes up 20%, is almost as prevalent as casual employment (24%).

また、while, although, but, whereas, however, on the other hand などの文と文を結び付ける語句を使って、比較することもできます。

7. While theft accounted for 92 cases per 10,000 people in the U.S.A., violence made up 71 cases.
8. Full-time employees constitute 56% of the Japanese workforce. On the other hand, casual and part-time workers make up 24% and 20% respectively.





The table provides information concerning the number of adults who attended cultural events in New Zealand over 3 specific time periods.

It can be seen that cinema attendance was considerably more common than all the other activities during the different periods. It accounted for 51% in 2005-06 while the second most popular cultural event was plays, which made up 23%. However, less people attended plays in 2005-06 than in 2001-02 (23% and 26% respectively).

In 2001-02, just over twice as many people went to classical music events (14%) as went to ballet (6%), and this remained much the same in 2005-06 (12% and 6% respectively). During the same time, fractionally more people visited opera events, 9% in 2005-06, than in 2001-02, which was 6%.

Although a lot more people went to plays in 2001-02 (26%) than art galleries/exhibitions (19%), the table shows that in 2005-06, slightly more people attended art galleries/exhibitions, which constituted 26%, than plays, which accounted for 23%.

Overall, most cultural events were attended by more and more adults, but events such as ballet and classical music were slightly less popular over the 3 time periods.

※本記事は、2007年に週間Student Timesに掲載された記事を転載しております。現在とは問題形式が異なる場合がございますので、必ず最新情報はご自身でお調べください。

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